Protected: Что я носил: много преждевременных ноябрьских букв
Protected: Что я носил: октябрь в подарок
3 May
En Passant Frederic Malle: Friday, I’m in love!
9 April
Cuir de Russie Chanel: finally I can smell the soil and gras. Spring is in the air!
8 April
Cruel Gardenia: desperately beautiful.
3 April
Bottega Veneta: my answer to icy cold wind.
2 April
Rive Gauche YSL
when your boots, faithfully warmed you through the winter suddenly seem heavy,
when you do not care about the coldness, embracing your legs,
then it’s time for white aldehydes,
aldehydes as white as artificial light,
as unnatural as only aldehydes can be,
at the moment when nature is going to unfold it’s new story,
every year
the same
1 April
Samsara Guerlain
31 March
L’Eau d’Hiver Frederic Malle: a springtime snowstorm.
22 February
Doblis Hermes: keep calm and carry on.